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Geographic area Offer/Request Operation type  
EUROPE   Proposal code: 876/2018

Proposal to buy well-known European manufacturers of smart home appliances


An Asian group with a top position in the global household appliances sector is looking for European companies with leading brands that manufacture smart (internet-connected and technologically advanced) household appliances. The group is interested in purchasing a controlling stake in these companies.
Opportunities will be evaluated only if the specified requirements are met.

Egypt   Proposal code: 823/2015

Building a production hub for appliance materials, components and commercial products


Associated management consultants with headquarters in Cairo inform international industrial companies about an opportunity to participate in the construction of a production hub within the Egyptian territory specialized in manufacturing and assembling electromechanical components and plastic materials for products to be sold in the appliance market.
According to the draft plan, production will take place in a coordinated, integrated manner involving all the operators in the project, using both modern equipment and a workforce trained on-site in specific skills.
The location of the hub in proximity to the African consumer market is also intended to generate commercial synergies for distributing end products and replacement parts.
Respondents who express an explicit interest in this proposal will be given additional details regarding the project, including suggestions on various location options, the surrounding areas and the condition of local infrastructure as well as associated tax breaks and subsidies.

WORLDWIDE   Proposal code: 626/2015

Selling off electric razor and hairdryer producer/distributor with own-label products


Corporate finance advisor informs interested companies that, due to strategic considerations, the holder of a leading US company is selling off the totality of the company in question to economic actors capable of guaranteeing the long-term continuity of its current workforce and production structure. The company is a branch of a multinational corporation with own-label products that enjoys an international presence in the production and retail distribution of electric razors, epilators and hairdryers with highly satisfactory economic results.
We would be happy to forward more detailed information and selling memorandum to qualified counterparts.
